
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Industrial relations in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Industrial relations in the UK - Essay Example The British state and its role in the industrial relations of the country can be considered as one of the most significant exhibition of the effects of the policies undertaken by the government and applied through the decisions undertaken by the nation. Through the course of history of the country, the past 30 years can be considered as the most significant area of study. This is due to the fact the most noteworthy decisions undertaken by the British government are undertaken during this ear. It can in fact be noted that the past decades comprise the most dynamic period in the country's history (Ackers and Wilkinson 2005). The importance of the past 30 years in the British history specifically in the aspect of the effects of governance and the role of the state with respect to industrial relations. The event that was considered to be the main event that altered and made the greatest impression in the development if the country's economy and industrial relation is during the Trade Union Law in 1979. The said law is related to the development that had occurred in the last 30 years in the industrial relations of country. ... The period prior to the legislation, was the establishment of policies that are unrelated to the legislation. There are even the developments of certain policies that were aimed to improve the industrial relations of the country but on the other hand are unrelated to the role of the state. Upon the attainment of the legislation that works on the role of the state in the improvement of the issues related a renewed phase dawned, the recognition of the role of the British state in the country's industrial relation (Clark, 2000). The realm that set the course of the British state and its role can then be analyze through the events that marked the development in the status and the participants in the industrial sector. The Changes and Developments in the Role of the State The history of the role of the British state regarding the industrial relations can be studied on the basis of the events that happened prior to the 1979 legislation, the contemporary events and situations simultaneous to the commencement of the legislation and the scenario upon the implementation of the altered role of the state. The early part in the history of the British industrial relations can be considered as one of the most difficult and trying stage. This can be related to the age of war during the said period. On the other hand after the war, the development of the alliance between the nations in the Atlantic region became one of the significant factors affecting the industrial relation (Clark, 2000). One of the most significant concepts is the 'Atlanticism' which is also referred to as the Atlantic alliance between the nations in the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Government Intervention Essay Example for Free

Government Intervention Essay Discuss the case for and against government intervention in an economy. In most of the countries, the government has intervened in the market system. To some extent there is a dire need of government intervention in the market system, although there is a debate over this point among the economists. Many economists believe that the role of government intervention improves the market system. The government can easily enforce the rules that can help in the smooth functioning of the market system. On the other hand, there are economists who believe that government interventions in a market system are the reason of inefficiency in the system. There are some goods that underprovided and underconsumed. Such goods are cold merit goods. They can be defined in terms of their externality effects and also in terms of informational problems facing the consumer. A merit good is a product that society values and judges that everyone should have regardless of whether an individual wants them. In this sense, the government is acting paternally in providing merit goods and services. They believe that individuals may not act in their own best interest in part because of imperfect information about the benefits that can be derived. Good examples of merit goods include health services, education, and work training programmes. Why does the government provide merit goods and services? * To encourage consumption so that some of the positive externalities associated with merit goods can be achieved * To overcome the information failures linked to merit goods, not least when the longer-term private benefit of consumption is greater than the shorter-term benefit of consumption * On grounds of equity – because the government believes that consumption should not be based solely on the grounds of ability to pay for a good or service Education is an example of a merit good. Education should provide a number of external benefits that might not be taken into account by the free market. These include rising incomes and productivity for current and future generations; an increase in the occupational mobility of the labour force which should help to reduce unemployment and therefore reduce welfare spending. However, there are some goods which are thought to be ‘bad’ for you. They are cold demerit goods. Examples include the costs arising from consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs together with the social effects of addiction to gambling. The consumption of demerit goods can lead to negative externalities. The government seeks to reduce consumption of demerit goods. Consumers may be unaware of the negative externalities that these goods create – they have imperfect information about long-term damage to their own health. The government may decide to intervene in the market for demerit goods and impose taxes on producers and / or consumers. Higher taxes cause prices to rise and should lead to a fall in demand. However high taxes increase unemployment because firms may relocate abroad increases cost of production for firms making the less competitive to firms in another countries where no tax is applied. But many economists argue that taxation is an ineffective and inequitable way of curbing the consumption of drugs and gambling particularly for those affected by addiction. Banning consumption through regulation may reduce demand, but risks creating secondary (illegal) or underground markets in the product. Market failure with demerit goods – the free market may fail to take into account the negative externalities of consumption because the social cost is less then private cost. Consumers too may experience imperfect information about the long term costs to themselves of consuming products deemed to be demerit goods. The social optimal level of consumption would be Q3 – the output that takes into account the information failure of consumers and also the negative externalities. One way to solve this problem is to try to remove the information failure. Information deficits can often lead to a misallocation of resources and hence the possibility of market failure. Information failure occurs when people have inaccurate, incomplete, uncertain or misunderstood data and so make potentially ‘wrong’ choices. Government action can have a role in improving information to help consumers and producers value the ‘true’ cost and/or benefit of a good or service. Examples might include: * Compulsory labeling on cigarette packages with health warnings to reduce smoking * Improved nutritional information on foods to counter the risks of growing obesity * Anti speeding television advertising to reduce road accidents and advertising campaigns to raise awareness of the risks of drink-driving * Advertising health screening programmes / information campaigns on the dangers of addiction Another dvantage of government intervention is the national minimum wage. The national minimum wage was introduced into the UK in 1999. It is an intervention in the labour market designed to increase the pay of lower-paid workers and thereby influence the distribution of income in society. In October 2005, the value of the minimum wage for adults was ? 5. 05 – following a series of small increases over recent years. The main aims of the minimum wage 1. The equity justification: That every job should offer a fair rate of pay commensurate with the skills and experience of an employee 2. Labour market incentives: The NMW is designed to improve the incentives for people to start looking for work – thereby boosting the economy’s available labour supply 3. Labour market discrimination: The NMW is a tool designed to offset some of the effects of persistent discrimination of many low-paid female workers and younger employees A diagram showing the possible effects of a minimum wage is shown above. The market equilibrium wage for this particular labour market is at W1 (where demand = supply). If the minimum wage is set at Wmin, there will be an excess supply of labour equal to E3 – E2 because the supply of labour will expand (more workers will be willing and able to offer themselves for work at the higher wage than before) but there is a risk that the demand for workers from employers (businesses) will contract if the minimum wage is introduced. Although all political parties are now committed to keeping the minimum wage, there are still plenty of economists who believe that setting a pay floor represents a distortion to the way the labour market works because it reduces the flexibility of the labour market 1. Competitiveness and Jobs: Firstly a minimum wage may cost jobs because a rise in labour costs makes it more expensive to employ people and higher labour costs might damage the international competitiveness of British producers. To the extent that rising unemployment worsens the living standards of those affected it has a negative impact on poverty. 2. Effect on relative poverty: Is the minimum wage the most effective policy to reduce relative poverty? There is evidence that it tends to boost the incomes of middle-income households where more than one household member is lready in work whereas the greatest risk of relative poverty is among the unemployed, elderly and single parent families where the parent is not employed. Government intervenes to stabilise farmers income and reduce price fluctuations using buffer stock schemes. The prices of agricultural products tend to fluctuate more violently than the price of manufactured products and services. This is largely due to the volatility in the supply of agricultural products coupled with the fact that demand and supply are price inelastic. Buffer stock schemes seek to stabilise the market price of agricultural products by buying up supplies of the product when harvests are plentiful and selling stocks of the product onto the market when supplies are low. The supply curves S1 and S2 represent the supply of wheat at the end of two different seasons. Supply is perfectly inelastic since farmers cannot change the quantity supplied onto the market post harvest. The organisation wishes to keep price fluctuations within a certain band: it will not allow the price of the product to rise above P max or to fall below P min. Assume that in one particular year there is a bumper harvest so that S1 is supplied onto the market. In absence of any intervention the market price would drop below P min, so the organisation buys up AB of the product to increase the market price up to P min. In the next year bad weather may result in a poor harvest so that only S2 is supplied. The market price would rise above the maximum permitted by the organisation, so the organisation sells CD of its stocks onto the market to reduce the price to P max. In contrast buffer stocks do not often work well in practice. Perishable items can not be stored for long periods of time and can therefore be immediately ruled out of buffer stock schemes. There are also high administrative and storage costs to be considered. Also education or healh sphere can suffer. The economists have a mixed view about the importance and effects of government intervention in the market system, it can be said that government interventions should aim at working with the market system that is already existing rather than implementing policies that make great changes. If the government intervention is such that it introduces inefficiencies greater than rationalizing the entire market system, there is a threat of damaging the economy. The distorted government intervention can lead to consumer dissatisfaction and higher costs. Most of the economists are of the view that government interventions should be facilitating in nature rather than having a direct control over the market.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

charant Characterization in Sophocles Antigone Essays -- Antigone es

Antigone– Characterization  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   This essay will illustrate the types of characters depicted in Sophocles’ tragic drama, Antigone, whether static or dynamic, flat or round, and whether portrayed through the showing or telling technique.    Martin Heidegger in â€Å"The Ode on Man in Sophocles’ Antigone† explains, in a rather involved theory,   the destruction of Creon’s character:    The conflict between the overwhelming presence of the essent as a whole and man’s violent being-there creates the possibility of downfall into the issueless and placeless: disaster. But disaster and the possibility of disaster do not occur only at the end, when a single act of power fails, when the violent one makes a false move; no, this disaster is fundamental, it governs and waits in the conflict between violence and the overpowering. Violence against the preponderant power of being must shatter against being, if being rules in its essence, as physics, as emerging power(98).    The dialogue, action and motivation revolve about the characters in the story (Abrams 32-33). Werner Jaeger in â€Å"Sophocles’ Mastery of Character Development† pays the dramatist the very highest compliment with regard to character development:    The ineffaceable impression which Sophocles makes on us today and his imperishable position in the literature of the world are both due to his character-drawing. If we ask which of the men and women of Greek tragedy have an independent life in the imagination apart from the stage and from the actual plot in which they appear, we must answer, ‘those created by Sophocles, above all others’ (36).    Surely   it can be said of Sophocles’ main characters that they grow beyond the two dimension... ...ment of his edict; he changes after Teiresias’ visit and warning. Ismene and Haemon become dynamic later in the tragedy. Rarely does the dramatist use the chorus to convey information; most of this comes from exchanges of dialogue, which would be the showing technique.    WORKS CITED    Abrams, M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms, 7th ed. New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999.    Antigone by Sophocles. Translated by R. C. Jebb. no pag. http://classics.mit.edu/Sophocles/antigone.html    Heidegger, Martin. â€Å"The Ode on Man in Sophocles’ Antigone.† In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.    Jaeger, Werner. â€Å"Sophocles’ Mastery of Character Development.† In Readings on Sophocles, edited by Don Nardo. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1997.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Electric Charge :: essays research papers

In some Greek experiments, objects attracted each other after rubbing. Other experiments produced objects that pushed away, or repelled, each other. The evidence showed that electric force made matter either attract or repel other matter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Electric force is caused by electric charge. Electric charge is a property of the bits of matter within atoms. Electric force can cause matter to attract or repel because there are two kinds of charge – positive and negative charge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The effects of electric force can be summarized as the law of electric charge: Pieces of matter with the same kind of charge repel each other. Pieces of matter with the same kind of charge attract each other. 2 objects with a positive charge repel each other, as do 2 objects with a negative charge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most objects are made of matter with equal amounts of positive and negative charge. Objects with the same # of positive and negative charges are electrically balanced, or neutral. Electric force is observed only when the balance of charge on objects is disturbed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An electric charge on an object that causes the object to attract or repel other objects is called static electricity. The adjective static describes something that does not move. Charges on an object are called static electricity to contrast then with the moving charges in an electric current.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How can you disturb the balance of charge on objects so they exert electric force? The easiest way is the same way the ancient Greeks did it – by rubbing the 2 objects together. Rubbing neutral objects together allows charged pieces of matter to move from one object to another.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The invisible bits of negatively charged matter that move between objects are called electrons. The words electron, electricity, and electronics all come from the Greek word for amber – elektron. The transfer of electrons explains the electric force that attracts the balloon to the wool. Rubbing the neutral balloon with the wool cloth allows some electrons to leave the wool and stick to the balloon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Neutral objects, like the balloon and the wool, become positively or negatively charged when their charges are disturbed. When an object becomes charged, no new charge is created; charge is simply moved around. This observation has been tested many times and is always true. It is stated a scientific law. The law of conservation of charge states all electric events occur by rearranging or moving charge.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

King Lear: A Tragic Hero

King Lear: A Tragic Hero King Lear by William Shakespeare Is an example of a classic tragedy. The mall character, King Lear, Is the tragic hero, which Is one of the aspects of a tragedy. King Lear wrongfully judges his daughters when he asks them to describe their love for him. He banishes one of his daughters. Cornelia, even though she is the only one that truly loves him. When he discovers that his other daughters General and Reagan do not actually love him, he starts to go insane. However, Lear eventually realizes his mistakes and tries to mend his relationships.King Lear is a tragic hero because wrought his suffering, brought on by his pride, he learns to Judge people based on character rather than appearances. King Lear is a complex character that has many flaws. However, the flaw that causes him most trouble is his hubris. He makes mistakes and he is too proud to admit them. One of his biggest mistakes is banishing Cornelia. Lear avows: â€Å"Let it be so C†¦ ] as thou my sometime daughter† (1. 1 . 120-134). Lear expresses his newfound hatred for Cornelia. Even though she is being honest, he is furious. This is an example of Learns pride.The second somebody does not absolutely adore him, he becomes brash and angry. He quickly makes the decision to ban his own daughter and disown her, even though she is the only one that loves him truly. During his monologue, he claims that he is no longer a father to Cornelia because he finds her actions so wretched. He is horrified by the fact that somebody does not praise him like a god, so the only thing he can do to regain his position of nobility is to banish her and show that he has power over her. This Is an awful quality that Is part of what leads to Learns fall.Even General and Reagan recognize that Lear has made a terrible mistake. Goner† claims â€Å"He always loved our sister most, and with what poor judgment he hath now cast her off appears too grossly† (1. 1. 336-338). Even the appal ling sisters understand what Lear does not. It Is shown that even if they are awful and greedy, General and Reagan still comprehend that Cornelia is caring and Lear is being unreasonable. Right in the beginning of the play, it is clear that Lear does not want to admit his flaws, which in Itself Is a flaw. His pride causes his the kingdom.General and Reagan end up betraying him and he is left out in the storm to suffer. Learns pride is one of the factors as to why he is a tragic hero. As a result of his pride, Lear suffers. This experience leads to his misdiagnosis. General and Reagan leave Lear out in the middle of a storm. Lear is betrayed by his own daughters whom he thinks love him endlessly. Having been stranded in the storm, King Lear descends Into madness. He feels that praise Is more Important than true feelings. Right from the start of the betrayal, Lear already knows that he will start to go crazy.Lear shouts â€Å"O Fool, I shall go mad! † (2. 4. 328). Lear sees his own future. He knows how he reacts to things and feels as though this is the worst thing to ever happen to him. King Lear actually becomes so insane that he imagines his gathers. Lear rambles on, saying: â€Å"I'll see their trial [†¦ ] but let them be changed† (3. 6. 37-85). Lear Is at the point in his insanity where he is completely his mad state he is trying to mend his relations even though it is not actually happening. Lear is so depressed during this time and is suffering deeply.He is experiencing new feelings and is doing things that he has never had to do before. This suffering is one of the reasons why King Lear is a tragic hero. King Learns suffering is what makes him realize that he is wrong and that his hubris is a major flaw in his personally. This misdiagnosis is major to the book and it's plot because Lear now knows that he has made detrimental mistakes. The first sign of this realization is when Cornelia is speaking with Lear and he acts as if he does no t know her. Lear admits: â€Å"If you have poison for me, I will drink it.I know you do not love me, for your sisters have, as I do remember done me wrong† (4. 7. 82-84). Lear realizes that he wrongly Judged Cornelia and he feels awful about it. King Lear understands that Cornelia will hate him and fully understands why she feels the way she does. However, all he wants is Cordillera's forgiveness. He now comprehends true eve and understands that have one person who truly loves you is better than having multiple people falsely gawking over you. This is a huge development in Learns character and shows the fixation of his tragic flaw.He finally puts other people's thoughts and feelings in front of his own and is not afraid of being mediocre. His hubris is gone and he is a better person. By the end of the play, King Lear reciprocates Cordillera's love and loyalty. King Lear exclaims: â€Å"Her voice was soft, gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman† (5. 3. 328-329). N ot only does Lear realize what true love is, but he also learns how to love others correctly. He is appreciative of Cornelia now that he realizes how much he loves her.This misdiagnosis is a characteristic of Learns that makes him a tragic hero. The play King Lear by William Shakespeare teaches about human suffering through the main character King Lear. Learns suffering shows that all humans must go through some sort of pain before having full clarity. This suffering may come from mistakes made by the person, Just like Lear wrongfully Judging Cornelia and his other daughters. Learns pride and lack of insight leads to his distress. However, this pain leads to misdiagnosis, which makes King Lear a tragic hero. King Lear: A Tragic Hero King Lear: A Tragic Hero King Lear by William Shakespeare Is an example of a classic tragedy. The mall character, King Lear, Is the tragic hero, which Is one of the aspects of a tragedy. King Lear wrongfully judges his daughters when he asks them to describe their love for him. He banishes one of his daughters. Cornelia, even though she is the only one that truly loves him. When he discovers that his other daughters General and Reagan do not actually love him, he starts to go insane. However, Lear eventually realizes his mistakes and tries to mend his relationships.King Lear is a tragic hero because wrought his suffering, brought on by his pride, he learns to Judge people based on character rather than appearances. King Lear is a complex character that has many flaws. However, the flaw that causes him most trouble is his hubris. He makes mistakes and he is too proud to admit them. One of his biggest mistakes is banishing Cornelia. Lear avows: â€Å"Let it be so C†¦ ] as thou my sometime daughter† (1. 1 . 120-134). Lear expresses his newfound hatred for Cornelia. Even though she is being honest, he is furious. This is an example of Learns pride.The second somebody does not absolutely adore him, he becomes brash and angry. He quickly makes the decision to ban his own daughter and disown her, even though she is the only one that loves him truly. During his monologue, he claims that he is no longer a father to Cornelia because he finds her actions so wretched. He is horrified by the fact that somebody does not praise him like a god, so the only thing he can do to regain his position of nobility is to banish her and show that he has power over her. This Is an awful quality that Is part of what leads to Learns fall.Even General and Reagan recognize that Lear has made a terrible mistake. Goner† claims â€Å"He always loved our sister most, and with what poor judgment he hath now cast her off appears too grossly† (1. 1. 336-338). Even the appal ling sisters understand what Lear does not. It Is shown that even if they are awful and greedy, General and Reagan still comprehend that Cornelia is caring and Lear is being unreasonable. Right in the beginning of the play, it is clear that Lear does not want to admit his flaws, which in Itself Is a flaw. His pride causes his the kingdom.General and Reagan end up betraying him and he is left out in the storm to suffer. Learns pride is one of the factors as to why he is a tragic hero. As a result of his pride, Lear suffers. This experience leads to his misdiagnosis. General and Reagan leave Lear out in the middle of a storm. Lear is betrayed by his own daughters whom he thinks love him endlessly. Having been stranded in the storm, King Lear descends Into madness. He feels that praise Is more Important than true feelings. Right from the start of the betrayal, Lear already knows that he will start to go crazy.Lear shouts â€Å"O Fool, I shall go mad! † (2. 4. 328). Lear sees his own future. He knows how he reacts to things and feels as though this is the worst thing to ever happen to him. King Lear actually becomes so insane that he imagines his gathers. Lear rambles on, saying: â€Å"I'll see their trial [†¦ ] but let them be changed† (3. 6. 37-85). Lear Is at the point in his insanity where he is completely his mad state he is trying to mend his relations even though it is not actually happening. Lear is so depressed during this time and is suffering deeply.He is experiencing new feelings and is doing things that he has never had to do before. This suffering is one of the reasons why King Lear is a tragic hero. King Learns suffering is what makes him realize that he is wrong and that his hubris is a major flaw in his personally. This misdiagnosis is major to the book and it's plot because Lear now knows that he has made detrimental mistakes. The first sign of this realization is when Cornelia is speaking with Lear and he acts as if he does no t know her. Lear admits: â€Å"If you have poison for me, I will drink it.I know you do not love me, for your sisters have, as I do remember done me wrong† (4. 7. 82-84). Lear realizes that he wrongly Judged Cornelia and he feels awful about it. King Lear understands that Cornelia will hate him and fully understands why she feels the way she does. However, all he wants is Cordillera's forgiveness. He now comprehends true eve and understands that have one person who truly loves you is better than having multiple people falsely gawking over you. This is a huge development in Learns character and shows the fixation of his tragic flaw.He finally puts other people's thoughts and feelings in front of his own and is not afraid of being mediocre. His hubris is gone and he is a better person. By the end of the play, King Lear reciprocates Cordillera's love and loyalty. King Lear exclaims: â€Å"Her voice was soft, gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman† (5. 3. 328-329). N ot only does Lear realize what true love is, but he also learns how to love others correctly. He is appreciative of Cornelia now that he realizes how much he loves her.This misdiagnosis is a characteristic of Learns that makes him a tragic hero. The play King Lear by William Shakespeare teaches about human suffering through the main character King Lear. Learns suffering shows that all humans must go through some sort of pain before having full clarity. This suffering may come from mistakes made by the person, Just like Lear wrongfully Judging Cornelia and his other daughters. Learns pride and lack of insight leads to his distress. However, this pain leads to misdiagnosis, which makes King Lear a tragic hero.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Status Of Childrens Rights In Nepal Children And Young People Essay Essays

The Status Of Childrens Rights In Nepal Children And Young People Essay Essays The Status Of Childrens Rights In Nepal Children And Young People Essay Essay The Status Of Childrens Rights In Nepal Children And Young People Essay Essay The intent of this study is to measure the issues environing the childrens human rights in Nepal by knocking their position in concurrence with the applicable International Treaties. Simultaneously its purpose is to exemplify the current state of affairs, by supplying information from findings sing the misdemeanors on the rights of the kids. Particularly it focuses on wellness position, sexual development, forced labor and instruction and it reflects those misdemeanors, by supplying statistical informations and paradigms during and after the armed struggle. It would besides give accent, on whether Nepal has complied with the International Conventions every bit good as whether any NGO.s gave any attending towards the crisis sustained in Nepal. Finally the study would do a general rating by supplying recommendations in regard of Nepal s executions and promises for the betterment of kids s human rights, including the demand of their protection and their hereafter concern. II.Introduction Nepal in world is one of the poorest and undeveloped states in the universe, which tries to be reborn from its ain ashes, after witnessing and sing a 10 twelvemonth internal violent armed struggle, due to the Maoist insurgence which ceased in 2006. However the last old ages have been made important alterations and developments. In 2008, Nepal went from political instability to a Federal Democratic Republic as the UCPN-M[ 1 ]had agreed with the Nepali authorities to come to an terminal with that struggle. Thus was guaranteed a peaceable authorities harmonizing to the CPA,[ 2 ]set uping equality and safeguarding cardinal human rights and freedoms. Despite the fact that, there is a gradual recovery and advancement, serious human rights misdemeanors continue to happen, as Nepal still faces the aftershocks of the crisis. Arguably the armed struggle has stigmatised the most vulnerable group and has deprived from them their basic rights. Childs have been victimised and faced banishment of their houses, forced to be soldiers and randomly detained by the authorities, subjected to maltreatment and even anguish. Others were used for development and being subjected to sexual maltreatment striping their right to be educated and besides their wellness position has been deteriorated. Immediate aid from human rights guardians and INGO s[ 3 ]was quickly given globally, but still it is an imperative demand as kids demand their protection. Most of them still live under insecurity and instability confronting hazards of farther misdemeanors of their rights. Frankincense is due consideration to foreground the current state of affairs. III.Children s Health Status and Human Exploitation in Armed Conflict It is claimed that kids are bulk in statistics but minority on societal position in existent universe .[ 4 ]This statement reveals the current state of affairs refering kids s rights position in Nepal. Recent studies indicate that there have been dangerous misdemeanors of kids s rights as 100s have been killed by armed groups due to the political state of affairs and others continue to be at hazard even if the state is in a post-conflict phase. Furthermore 1000s were earnestly injured and others have died because of diseases peculiarly from HIV/AIDS.[ 5 ]Their wellness position has been degrading[ 6 ]both physically and mentally as the armed struggle deprived from them their basic rights such as the right to household, nutrient and shelter. The unfriendly environment had exposed orphaned kids to conditions which had neer experienced before. Furthermore 100s have been displaced from their households and have been subjected to misdemeanor, harlotry and nonvoluntary servitude without their consent going vulnerable to high hazards of infective diseases. During and after the ceasefire, kids development had worsened their wellness as the bulk of the exploited kids have been unlawfully treated and exposed in awful conditions, confronting subjugation and coercion. Simultaneously the unequal wellness system, resources and the insufficient work force has worsened their wellness position. Even if Nepal has attained to streamline kid s wellness the last decennaries by cut downing mortality under 5 from 118 % in 1996 to 61 % in 2006, nevertheless disparities exist by different societal groups sing handiness in the wellness system. The phenomenon of kid trafficking is Nepal s one of its major jobs. Yet, no formal studies have been prepared by the Nepali authorities but the Committee concerned that there is deficiency of existent statistics of kids victims on development and trafficking.[ 7 ]However a research conducted by CWIN[ 8 ]in association with Save the Children revealed that 73,8 % of 110 male childs populating on the street, had had non-consensual sexual intercourse.[ 9 ]Another tragic survey conducted by ILO[ 10 ]estimated that about 5000 kids, chiefly misss are working as commercial sex workers.[ 11 ] However Nepal had successfully ratified and had abided by the footings of OPSC.[ 12 ]Besides the Interim Constitution of Nepal guarantees the protection of kids against any signifier of maltreatment and development every bit good as many Acts of the Apostless such as the Children s Act[ 13 ]and Human Trafficking and Transportation Control Act[ 14 ]is opposed to CSEC.[ 15 ]However the survey of the CRC[ 16 ]Sub-Committee of the HRTMCC[ 17 ]reveals that the Nepali commissariats do non explicitly address the issues that autumn under OPSC[ 18 ]and neglect to harmonize with the CRC. Consequently that means the statute law does non safeguard the rights of the kids from CSEC. Harmonizing to the same survey it was observed that even if establishments, Centres and enterprises are combat against CSEC there is a deficiency of coordination between them[ 19 ]as there is an overlap due to authorities establishments. At the same clip different undertakings cease to go on their work as there is no equal fiscal support and besides there is no specific programme to work against CSEC for the best involvements of the kid. Notably kids who have participated in audience meetings did non cognize about the authorities programmes sing OPSC airing. Since most of the kids are illiterate they can non understand the commissariats conducted by the Nepali authorities battling CSEC ; so without holding the proper cognition and support it would be an Utopia for them to contend for their rights against CSEC which could be characterised as a modern type of bondage. IV.Forced Labour-DCL Myriad surveies, indicate that the mission of the authorities is to enrich the position of the kid in Nepal and do efforts in order to explicate schemes so as to extinguish the worst signifiers of DCL.[ 20 ] Nepal has one of the worst backgrounds sing the signifiers of forced labor particularly in the DCL. Frans Roselaers claimed that unacceptable signifiers of development of kids at work exist and persist but they are hard to research due to their hidden, sometimes illegal or even condemnable nature. [ 21 ]The phenomenon of child labor in Nepal takes tonss of dimensions the last decennaries as kids are economically active from their immature age. In conformity to NFLS[ 22 ]the engagement rate for kids is estimated at approximately 40.4 % .[ 23 ] The current political state of affairs, poorness and the harmful traditional patterns use kids to be exposed in the worst risky conditions and forced them to drop out from school striping from them their instruction. The fundamental law of Nepal prohibits child labor and the Nepali authorities after the confirmation of CRC indicated the committedness of guaranting that kids do non hold to work. Therefore Nepal was obligated to ordain several domestic Torahs. Within this context enacted the Children s Act[ 24 ]and besides Child Labour Act[ 25 ]purely forbiding and eliminating child labor. Furthermore in 1997 ratified C138[ 26 ]with object the abolishment of child labors and became a member of the SAARC.[ 27 ]Besides, the IPEC[ 28 ]operates in Nepal with purpose to make policies against child labor. An issue which is yet due consideration is whether kids rights have so made advancement after the confirmation of the Conventions in concurrence with the new democratic system of Nepal by ordaining esteeming statute law, policies that present a development on their human rights position. It must be emphasised that there is a important decrease of bonded labor to 40.4 % compared to 47.0 % of the entire kid population which was detected in NLFS 1998. Although the Committee in its one observation concerned that despite the attempts of the province party to get rid of the worst signifiers of kid labor, the prevalence of child labor remains high peculiarly in risky conditions of work .[ 29 ] In 2009, the CEACR[ 30 ]despite Nepal s confirmation of C182[ 31 ]and Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict[ 32 ]requested the authorities to take steps in order to amend its domestic statute law and forbid the forced enlisting of kids less than 18 old ages for usage in armed struggle. The Committee besides observed that the authorities has non made respective Torahs which are consistent with the commissariats of the Convention in order to forbid a individual below 18 old ages to be exposed in risky work. V.Education Education is kids s premier concern and besides it could be considered the footing of making a safe hereafter for a state. Children are the chief participants of a state and particularly Nepal which is a state where instruction must be promoted among other developments made by the province. Nepal has ratified the ICESCR[ 33 ]where Articles 13 and 14 highlight the issue of free compulsory instruction. Although Nepal consented to the footings in order to supply free instruction between the ages of 6 and 11 ; the commissariats sing the Covenant are non followed. Besides in one of its latest studies the UN[ 34 ]Committee observed that Nepal has yet to follow a policy of mandatory instruction and farther remarks that there is a spread refering the attending between misss and male childs every bit good as there is great disparity between castes cultural and autochthonal groups. The emancipation of kids from a immature age had used them to work hard as their households do non put in their educational demands because of pecuniary adversities. Statisticss from a recent study conducted by the ILO showing the earnestness of the state of affairs ; 9 % of the entire kid population, have neer attended school and 59 % have non even completed their primary instruction.[ 35 ]Unusually the gender spread remains a job as largely misss are discriminated from instruction due to the patriarchal traditions who want misss to be married from their immature age. VI.Human Rights Defenders NGO s such as UNICEF[ 36 ]play a cardinal function as their mission is to safeguard the rights of the kids in Nepal. UNICEF had provided mechanisms for the demands of the kids back uping them in assorted ways: providing rehabilitation and wage programmes every bit good as reintegration programmes. A NGO named Salvage the Children focuses chiefly in the development of instruction and wellness of the kids by seeking to modulate and cut down youth mortality. set uping strategic partnerships with the authorities. VII.Conclusion Therefore the hapless economic position, poorness and besides the bad cultural patterns in Nepal, illustrate kids s human rights in their worst signifier. Even if the province has made measure frontward by signing international conventions there is deficiency of enforcement of the jurisprudence and policies which in world constitutes the chief spread for any solutions. However, Nepal could non be the lone combatant of safeguarding the kid rights through its legislative model, but the cardinal prevarications on the general system of human resources and society which must be sensitive on issues environing kids s rights. IX.Recommendations Effective schemes must be conducted by the PPCC[ 37 ]which would implement policies for work outing the issues of DCL. Even if instruction has been hindered by poorness, it could be the response to decrease child labour and enrich the position of the kid. The Nepali authorities must instantly sign the 3rd Optional Protocol,[ 38 ]as pursuant to it, abused kids that became victims of harlotry and trafficking could hold the chance to raise their voice and bring ailments for misdemeanors of their rights. The province must give attending to the UN observations refering favoritism in instruction in which it must extinguish gender disparity in primary and secondary instruction. Trade brotherhoods should go on to promote these challenges in the procedure of educational restructure and set force per unit area to the authorities of altering its policies in all degrees of instruction matching to the commissariats contained in ICESCR. Streamline 2000 words. X.Bibliography-References Rehman, J. , ( 2010 ) . International Human Rights Law ( 2nd edition ) . Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Naftali B. , 2011. International Human-centered Law and International Human Rights Law ( 1st edition ) . Oxford: University Press. Gajurel, D.P. , 2007. Child Rights in Nepal , [ on-line ] .Unpublished Menuscript, Kathmandu: Nepal Law Campus, Faculty of Law, Tribhuvan University. Available at hypertext transfer protocol: //papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm? abstract id= 1106619. [ Accessed 27th November 2012 ] . Aruna, J. , 2008. Impact of Armed Conflict on Children in Nepal: Situation Analysis of their wellness position. [ on-line ] . Kathmandu School of Law Child Rights Search and Resource Centre, Nepal. Available at: www.ksl.edu.np/crc_students-article.asp. [ Accessed 27th November 2012 ] . Child Rights NGO Report Prepared by: CRC Sub-committee, Human Rights Treaty, Monitoring Coordination Committee ( HRTMCC ) , Secretariat: Child Nepal ( CN ) . , 2011. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of kids, kid harlotry and kid erotica ( 2000 ) . [ on-line ] . CN Promoting Child Rights through Education. Available at: www.childrennepal.org/showmodule.php? url=crc. [ Accessed 27th November 2012 ] . Child Rights NGO Report Prepared by: CRC Sub-committee, Human Rights Treaty, Monitoring Coordination Committee ( HRTMCC ) , Secretariat: Child Nepal ( CN ) . , 2011. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of kids, kid harlotry and kid erotica ( 2000 ) . [ on-line ] . CN Promoting Child Rights through Education, 2011, 21. Available at: www.childrennepal.org/showmodule.php? url=crc. [ Accessed 27th November 2012 ] . Child Rights NGO Report Prepared by: CRC Sub-committee, Human Rights Treaty, Monitoring Coordination Committee ( HRTMCC ) , Secretariat: Child Nepal ( CN ) . , 2011. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of kids, kid harlotry and kid erotica ( 2000 ) . [ on-line ] . CN Promoting Child Rights through Education, 2011, 13. Available at: www.childrennepal.org/showmodule.php? url=crc. [ Accessed 27th November 2012 ] . International Labour Organization ( ILO ) Central Bureau of Statistics of Nepal, . 2008. NEPAL CHILD LABOUR REPORT based on informations drawn from the Nepal Force Labour Survey. [ on-line ] . ILO 2008, xi. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ilo.org/kathmandu/whatwedo/publications/WCMS_182988/lang en/index.htm [ Accessed 27th November 2012 ] . International Labour Organization ( ILO ) Central Bureau of Statistics of Nepal, . 2008. NEPAL CHILD LABOUR REPORT based on informations drawn from the Nepal Force Labour Survey. [ on-line ] . ILO 2008, xii. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ilo.org/kathmandu/whatwedo/publications/WCMS_182988/lang en/index.htm [ Accessed 27th November 2012 ] . UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 2008. Nepal: Persistent misdemeanors of kids s rights. [ on-line ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.crin.org/resources/infodetail.asp? ID=29608. [ Accessed day of the month 27th November ] . Karen C.T. , 2000. Trafficing in kids in Asia ; a regional overview. [ on-line ] . ILO. Available at: www.ilo.orf/asia/whatwedo/publications/WCMS_BK _PB _7 _EN/lang en/index.htm. [ Accessed twenty-seventh November ] . Gonzalez, Z. , 2002. International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour El Salvador, The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: A Rapid Assessment [ online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ilo.org/public/spanish/standards/ipec/simpoc/elsalvador/ra/sexexp.pdf. [ Accessed 26th November 2012 ] .

Monday, October 21, 2019

The wave of the future essays

The wave of the future essays The wave of the future is drowning out very quickly. All the technology we have created will bit the dust before the systems really are used. At the end of the century all systems that have calendars to monitor systems or use calendars to show dates will shut down all at once. Major electronic systems such as elevators, alarm systems, fax machines, telephones, cars with computer systems will be nothing more than paper weights or wall designs nothing more. For years computers and electronic equipment were programmed to recognize a two digit year such as 98 for 1998. Consequently these systems may not function correctly when a new year appear as to be a lower number than the previous year, such as 00 for 2000. The year 2000 could be interpreted as 1900, causing major errors, stoppages, and unpredictable results that can seriously impact a business. The most electronically based operations would of the banking world were the date change would effect anything from tyme accounts to intere st balancing calculations. For example, in a banking application, if the interest is calculated for a given period by subtracting the years in two different dates, the code segment for above calculation will work if the given dates are between 01-Jan-1900 & 31-DEC-1999. whereas, if the code is used to calculate the difference between 01-Jan-1999 and 01-Jan-2000 the results will be interpreted wrongly. "How could the Year2000 Problem happen?" this is the first question asked by everyone who knows and hears of this problem. The Y2K problem has always been there and programmers were aware of this problem for years. Since programmers thought that the problem is to arise only after some decades, it was not given much importance. Now Y2K crisis is on top of us, the issue is critical universally. From the discussion of what is Y2K and how the problem arose,we are aware of the effect the problem will have. From the technical point of view two things could happen...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Temperature Range of Rainfall

The Temperature Range of Rainfall If youve ever wondered why getting soaked in a rainstorm makes you cold, its not just because the precipitation moistens your clothes and skin, the temperature of the rainwater itself is also to blame. On average, raindrops have temperatures somewhere between 32 F (0 C) and 80 F (27 C). Whether a raindrop is closer to the cold or warm end of that range  depends on a number of things including what temperature it starts at high up in the clouds and what the air temperatures are in the upper atmosphere where those clouds are floating. As you can imagine, both of these things vary from day to day, season to season, and location to location, which means there is no usual  temperature for raindrops.   Temperatures in the atmosphere interact with raindrops, starting from their birth high up in a cloud to their final target- you and the ground- drastically affecting the temperature of these droplets of water. Cold Beginnings and Cold Descents Surprisingly, most of the worlds rainfall begins as snow high up in the clouds overhead- even on a hot summer day! Thats because temperatures in the upper portions of clouds are well below freezing, sometimes as low as -58 F. The snowflakes and ice crystals found in clouds at these cold temperatures and heights warm and melt into liquid water as they pass below the freezing level, then exit the parent cloud and enter the warmer air below it. As the melted raindrops continue to descend, they can become cooler through evaporation  in a process that  meteorologists call evaporative cooling,  wherein rain falls into drier air, causing that airs dewpoint to increase and its temperature to lower. Evaporative cooling is also one reason why rainfall is associated with cooler air, which explains why meteorologists sometimes claim it is raining or snowing high up in the upper atmosphere and will soon do so out your window- the longer this happens, the more the air near the ground will moisten and cool, allowing the precipitation a path to fall to the surface. Air Temperatures Above Ground Affect Final Raindrop Temp In general, as precipitation nears the ground, the atmospheres temperature profile- the range of air temperatures that the precipitation passes through- from around the 700 millibar level down to the surface determines the type of precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, or freezing rain) that will reach the ground. If this temperature is above freezing, the precipitation will, of course, be rain, but how warm above freezing they are will determine how cool the raindrops will be once they hit the ground. On the other hand, if the temperature is below freezing, the precipitation will fall as snow, sleet, or freezing rain depending on how much lower than freezing the range of air temperatures is. If youve ever experienced a rain shower that was warm to the touch, its because the rains temperature is above the current surface air temperature. This occurs when temperatures  from 700 millibars (3,000 meters) down are quite warm but a shallow layer of cooler air blankets the surface.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

EU Policy and Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

EU Policy and Business - Essay Example According to political analysts the accession of the Turkey with the European Union is expected to provide both with 'considerable opportunities and challenges' (Flam, 2003), beside serious challenges. The accession of the Turkey into European Union will clear certain reservations and misconceptions which alleged that European Union is a Christian Club, the accession will further reflect the fact that European Union is visionary of 'inclusive and tolerant society', and will exemplify that European Union is diversified association, which is 'bound together by common values of liberty, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights' (Oguz, 2003). It is believed that the accession will validate the European Union's firm commitment and support towards the development of a multiethnic, multicultural and multi-faith Europe, and is likely to defy the concept of 'clash of civilizations', and will nullify the social concerns towards the outspread of terrorism, through amalgamation wi th Muslim society. The critics have regarded the accession as an opportunity for the European Union to support Turkey i.e. ... The European Union is expected to secure 'respect and credibility' (Oguz, 2003), and will be able to nurture its soft image by supporting the accession of Turkey, some critics have requested the expedition of the admission process so as to discourage the rising popularity and emergence of the hard-line Islamists forces. Turkey's accession to the European Union will offer revised approach towards Islam which is compatible to the democratic values. It is believed that the accession of the Turkey with the European Union will develop an understanding that contributes towards the resolution of the concerns associated with the integration of religious beliefs and traditions with the universal principles of the modern societies. The role of the European Union is expected to get further strong and influential, and its emergence as the foreign policy actor, will impact the world politics considerably after the accession of the Turkey. The newly adopted security strategies by the European Unio n i.e. A Secure Europe in a Better World and the Wider Europe: Neighborhood under the proposal forwarded by the European Commission and the European Parliament has encouraged the European Union to give due consideration and significance to the Southern periphery for strengthening European security. It has been reported that the geo-strategic position of Turkey will broaden the scope of activities and influence in regions of vital interests to the international community i.e. the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Central Asia and South Caucasus. Turkey has forged good understanding with the Israel, Arab countries and the United States, Turkey is quoted as the credible and major negotiator who has contributed immensely for bridging the differences between the Israel and Palestinians. It is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human Resource Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Human Resource Portfolio - Essay Example This depends on the management who can wager transformational leadership within its elaborate operational realm as steward of its human resources (Casio, 1989). As such, HRM conducts analysis to systematically investigate tasks and responsibilities of a job to determine the necessary knowledge, skills, and capacity required to adequately perform the tasks of the job (Stone, 2008). This paper aims to explicate the significance job analysis for the selection and hiring of applicants, for performance management and for empowering workers. HRM defined HRM is a philosophical framework for organizational development although this is diverse in praxis depending on leaders’ paradigm on organizational management (Grant, 1991). This is best understood by examining how an organization is manage using its vision, mission, policies, procedures and internal culture with anent structures that provide system in their coordination and collaborative undertakings to correlate their roles or func tions at achieving goals and desired outcomes. The manager ensures proper direction by stipulating clearly the objectives, systems and control for the fulfillment of tasks (Gratton, 1999). As such, there is a wide spectrum of decision-making here pertaining to worker-employer relation to have a harmonious working environment and to attain efficient productivity or output (Gratton, 1999). HRM considers the crucial factors to improve workforce’s intellectual capital since this is significant for company’s competitive advantage (Guest & Conway, 1998). As employees are tasked to implement plans, human resource managers functioned for in-depth job analysis, description, and advertisement before they’d engage the company into hiring and selection process of applicants (Guestet al., 1998). They also fulfill the requirements and needs of human capital and motivate them to complete tasks and optimize their performances for competitive leveraging. Job Analysis Job analysi s is a sensitive part of human resource management (HRM). It is a logical process of documenting and analyzing data and information pertaining to job’s nature, content, context, and description that is generally befitting to standards (OPM, 2012; Stone, 2008) and requiring worker’s competence and skills (OPM, 2012). Competence refers to the measurable cognitive capacity, skills, behaviors, character, and resiliency in the performance of one’s role and functions. Nowadays, corporation has strong inclination to hire for applicants which has capacity to multi-function: ability to eloquently communicate, express flexibility in challenging circumstances, expertise in information technology or knowledge management, and ability for transformational leadership (Gratton, 1999). For example, VMG Motor Company is in need of a sales

Case senerio pathophysiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case senerio pathophysiology - Essay Example Iron deficiency anemia results from a condition where the patient lose more red blood cells more than their bodies would manufacture. Ms. A’s menorrhagia and dysmenorrheal causes her to lose significant amount of blood which overrides the rate of red blood cell manufacture and as a result causing her iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency anemia affects women more than men and it represents the most common form or type of anemia. This illustrates that Ms. A is predisposed to this form of anemia. The pathophysiology of iron deficiency anemia is described in light of the situation where the body is unable to manufacture enough red blood cells because of insufficiency of iron in the body. The loss of blood by Ms. A during her menorrhagia and dysmenorrheal, causes a significant loss of iron from her body which leads to her anemia. The laboratory tests also indicate that Ms. A has below normal hematocrit, hemoglobin level and erythrocyte count which further indicates that she is m ost likely suffering from iron deficiency anemia. The loss of blood from the body also translates into an equivalent loss of iron. Women who experience heavy periods are an increased risk of iron deficiency anemia (Bostock 23). This is illustrated by Ms. ... Ms. A is adversely affected by the lack of sufficient oxygen because of her active participation in golf. This involves a need for adequate oxygen for metabolic activity. Because Ms. A is having her periods, it is evident that the loss of excess blood caused her to have less iron for the manufacture of hemoglobin which combines with oxygen and distributes it throughout the body. Ms. A’s condition is aggravated by the fact that the golf tournament is carried out in a higher altitude level where the amount of oxygen in much lower. This explains her symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue. The fatigue is caused by the inadequate metabolic activity in energy production which results from lack of sufficient oxygen in blood. Therefore in light of Ms. A’s symptom, medical history and laboratory tests, it is affirmative that she is suffering from iron deficiency anemia and therefore appropriate treatments should be started. Case Study 2 Making changes in lifestyle is t he most effective approach to care for Mr. P. This is motivated by the fact that Mr. P is having difficulties in adhering to the prescribed dietary restrictions. The changes in lifestyle will be the major objective for the care of this patient. This involves weight control, limit of the intake of salt, cholesterol and fat. In addition, the care for Mr. P will be aimed at ensuring that the amount of fluids that he takes is controlled and smoking and alcohol use restricted. Patients with symptoms of congestive heart failure must be motivated to make lifestyle changes which will allow them to reduce the worsening of their conditions (Philippe 252) In addition to dietary restrictions, patients with CHF symptoms

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managing and Leading Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing and Leading Change - Essay Example The change at the General Motors Company executed a complete reengineering of the organizational structure, which not only reduced the cost of business, but also improved the flow of communication at all levels and the pace of decision making. Organizational structure is the pattern of hierarchies of management in a company which controls the information flows as well as the reporting of relationships. The organizational structure of a company lays the basis of the operational policies. â€Å"[C]companies may find it necessary to change organizational structure to remain competitive or adapt to changes in the company, industry or marketplace† (Ingram, 2012). Organizational changes at the General Motors Company started with the forced retirement of Stempel. After Stempel’s retirement, Jack Smith was made the new CEO and Smale was made the chairman of the board. Hoagland, on the other hand, became the new president of the General Motorss Company and served as the right-ha nd man of Smith. After implementing these changes, the next target of the new top management team was to alter the chain of command of the General Motors Company. These changes were followed by flattening of the organization structure of the General Motors Company with the elimination of 50,000 hourly and 24,000 salaried jobs. This helped the top management cut down the costs and enhance the profitability of the business. Formal organizational structure is not quite important for small organizations because the flow of communication is easy, but the organization of the magnitude of the General Motors Company requires a formal organizational structure. â€Å"[I]n a larger organization decisions have to be made about the delegation of various tasks. Thus, procedures are established that assign responsibilities for various functions† (Distelzweig, 2012). As Smale became the leader of the board’s executive committee, he took the directors’ board of the General Motor s Company into confidence. Under Smale’s leadership, the board of directors instituted a revolt against the old management team of the General Motors Company. The power which the board of the General Motors Company used to oust the old management team of the company was basically their majority, realization of the company’s poor functioning with respect to profit-making, and an urge for change. The managerial strategies used by the company’s board in achieving success included but were not limited to identification of loopholes in the system, realization of the unnecessarily tall structure of the organization, and downsizing of the company. The fundamental objectives which the company’s board wanted to achieve included reduction of the corporate staff so that the decision making could be improved and simpler and change would be easier to introduce and implement. Too many managers working at different levels in the company made it difficult for any decisio n to be taken and any strategies to be implemented since any decision that was taken needed approval of many. â€Å"To make good downsizing decisions, executives need to appreciate more than just the immediate impact on human resources. And their information should be based on the collective experience of many firms† (Bruton, Keels, and Shook, 1996). The board replaced Stempel with Smith and Hoagland both of whom were very experienced in the reduction of expenses and

Compare and contrast two Indian states Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Compare and contrast two Indian states - Essay Example These states are good exporters and active in production of goods and commodities which have significant export value The Indian state of Gujarat speaks Gujarati and Maharashtra has the regional language of Marathi. The capital of Maharashtra is the ultra- modern city Mumbai whereas Gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat is a mediocre city.Even though Gujarat is an industrialized state in comparison with Maharashtra it is way behind latter.Gujarat is self sufficient in agriculture while Maharashtra is not. However, the capital of Maharashtra is the most modern and sophisticated city of the country. The educational ratio of Maharashtra is higher with 78% than that of Gujarat which is only 70%.The infrastructure of Maharashtra is more sophisticated and developed than that of Gujarat. Moreover, the transportation system of Gujarat is not developed as Mumbai as the latter possess quality railway and roadway

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managing and Leading Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing and Leading Change - Essay Example The change at the General Motors Company executed a complete reengineering of the organizational structure, which not only reduced the cost of business, but also improved the flow of communication at all levels and the pace of decision making. Organizational structure is the pattern of hierarchies of management in a company which controls the information flows as well as the reporting of relationships. The organizational structure of a company lays the basis of the operational policies. â€Å"[C]companies may find it necessary to change organizational structure to remain competitive or adapt to changes in the company, industry or marketplace† (Ingram, 2012). Organizational changes at the General Motors Company started with the forced retirement of Stempel. After Stempel’s retirement, Jack Smith was made the new CEO and Smale was made the chairman of the board. Hoagland, on the other hand, became the new president of the General Motorss Company and served as the right-ha nd man of Smith. After implementing these changes, the next target of the new top management team was to alter the chain of command of the General Motors Company. These changes were followed by flattening of the organization structure of the General Motors Company with the elimination of 50,000 hourly and 24,000 salaried jobs. This helped the top management cut down the costs and enhance the profitability of the business. Formal organizational structure is not quite important for small organizations because the flow of communication is easy, but the organization of the magnitude of the General Motors Company requires a formal organizational structure. â€Å"[I]n a larger organization decisions have to be made about the delegation of various tasks. Thus, procedures are established that assign responsibilities for various functions† (Distelzweig, 2012). As Smale became the leader of the board’s executive committee, he took the directors’ board of the General Motor s Company into confidence. Under Smale’s leadership, the board of directors instituted a revolt against the old management team of the General Motors Company. The power which the board of the General Motors Company used to oust the old management team of the company was basically their majority, realization of the company’s poor functioning with respect to profit-making, and an urge for change. The managerial strategies used by the company’s board in achieving success included but were not limited to identification of loopholes in the system, realization of the unnecessarily tall structure of the organization, and downsizing of the company. The fundamental objectives which the company’s board wanted to achieve included reduction of the corporate staff so that the decision making could be improved and simpler and change would be easier to introduce and implement. Too many managers working at different levels in the company made it difficult for any decisio n to be taken and any strategies to be implemented since any decision that was taken needed approval of many. â€Å"To make good downsizing decisions, executives need to appreciate more than just the immediate impact on human resources. And their information should be based on the collective experience of many firms† (Bruton, Keels, and Shook, 1996). The board replaced Stempel with Smith and Hoagland both of whom were very experienced in the reduction of expenses and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The State of the Visual Arts in Colorado Case Study

The State of the Visual Arts in Colorado - Case Study Example Just recently, Colorado State University celebrated the openings of the final two spaces in the new University Center of the Arts located in the old Fort Collins High School. These are the University Art Museum and the Avenir Museum of Design and Merchandising where visitors can take a tour CSU's art and historic clothes and textile collections (Colorado State University). "The University Art Museum has four discrete galleries that offer flexibility for the installation of small or large exhibitions that will allow some 3,000 objects including Japanese prints, Warhol photographs, African sculptures and contemporary art to rotate through the space" while the Avenir Museum is "home to a collection of 12,000 artifacts including historic clothing, lace, textiles, accessories and chairs" (Colorado State University). Aside from these two new art-improving developments, the Colorado State University is also in the process of constructing the visual art complex, a premier visual art building which will be open to the public (Colorado State University). Colorado also has an art market. One is composed of outdoor fine arts and crafts fair showcasing work of 90 artisans. There are still a number of art galleries and stores in Colorado.

Chick-fil-A Customer Service Essay Example for Free

Chick-fil-A Customer Service Essay Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy greeted employees at the newest Charleston area restaurant with a Bible verse, a prayer and a message about doing business the â€Å"Chick-fil-A Way. † Most people recognize the famous Chick-fil-A cows and their misspelled pleas to â€Å"Eat Mor Chikin. † But not everyone may be aware of Chick-fil-A’s unique way of doing business. With a focus on quality food, superior customer service and dedicated employees, Chick-fil-A has built a restaurant empire. Another freestanding restaurant opened Sept. 29 on Dorchester Road near the Ashley Phosphate Road intersection in North Charleston. Two days before the opening, new employees—called â€Å"team members† in the Chick-fil-A world—served dinner to their family members and listened as Cathy explained the importance of smiling and treating customers with honor, dignity and respect. Chick-fil-A’s mission, he said, is â€Å"to glorify God by being a faithful steward of what is entrusted to us. † Sandwich history Cathy is the son of Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy, who entered the restaurant business in 1946 when he opened Dwarf Grill in an Atlanta suburb. It would be another 20 years before the world was introduced to Chick-fil-A. In 1961, Truett Cathy accepted leftover pieces of chicken breast from Goode Brothers Poultry. The poultry company provided airlines with boneless, skinless chicken breasts that would fit in the plastic trays used to serve food on airplanes but had plenty of leftover pieces to sell. Truett Cathy had considered adding chicken to his menu and decided to take the poultry company up on its offer to take the leftover pieces too big for the airline trays. Truett Cathy spent months perfecting the recipe and figuring out the best way to cook the chicken quickly. After four years, he had a boneless chicken sandwich. According to Chick-fil-A history, Truett Cathy originally called it a chicken steak sandwich but began thinking of something that could carry a trademark. The best cut of a steak is the fillet, so why not call the sandwich a chicken fillet, he thought. The name morphed into chick fillet and eventually became Chick-fil-A (with a capital â€Å"A† to emphasize quality). The first Chick-fil-A opened in Atlanta’s Greenbrier Mall in 1967. The first freestanding restaurant opened in Atlanta about 20 years later. The restaurant has continued its incredible growth, expanding heavily into the western United States, introducing a breakfast menu and healthier menu options. The Chick-fil-A Way Certainly Chick-fil-A isn’t the only quick service restaurant to make billions, but what sets Chick-fil-A apart is the company’s corporate philosophy, its emphasis on values, customer service and treating employees like family members. Dan Cathy attributes the company’s success to his 84-year-old father, whom he describes as a tremendous influence, a â€Å"patriarch† and â€Å"Moses figure† in the family and in the company. Thanks to his father’s influence, Chick-fil-A has â€Å"stayed the course,† Dan Cathy said. Despite the many potential distractions, the company stays focused on its recipes, hot food, clean restrooms—the things that are important to customers. Interestingly, Dan Cathy refers to his company as being in the hospitality business—not usually the first description that comes to mind when thinking about fast food. But Cathy said the idea of being in the hospitality business began when his family opened its first diner. â€Å"That’s our heritage, our roots,† he said. When the focus is on the customers and employees, success will follow, according to Chick-fil-A’s philosophy. â€Å"It’s all about the people,† Dan Cathy said. â€Å"You can’t have great tasting food until you have a good relationship with your employees. † Chick-fil-A offers $1,000 college scholarships to its employees, having awarded about $20 million during the past 30 years. The company also has a unique agreement with its operators, providing franchisees with the chance to sublease a restaurant for $5,000. Each month operators pay the corporate office 15% of gross sales and 50% of net profits as a franchise fee. Operators are assured a minimum annual income of $30,000. The company continues its long-standing tradition of being closed on Sundays, so employees can spend time with their families and attend a worship service. Despite opportunities to go public, Chick-fil-A remains a private company so it can retain control over its key values. Chick-fil-A has proven a business with values and principles can do well. And not just survive but thrive, Dan Cathy pointed out. In 2004, Chick-fil-A achieved sales of $1. 74 billion—an increase of 13. 8% over 2003. The company is opening 61 new restaurants this year, and customer satisfaction scores are the highest they have ever been, Cathy said. The company will introduce milkshakes to its menu next summer. And a spicy chicken sandwich is being tested in the Tampa, Fla. , area. Family ties have local roots Operating the new Dorchester Road location is Daniel Dickerson, whose family has been operating Chick-fil-A for years. His father was one of the first Chick-fil-A operators, and his brother, Patrick Dickerson, is the operator of the Mount Pleasant Chick-fil-A. Raised in Charleston, Daniel Dickerson previously ran a store in Ocala, Fla. Dickerson said he looks up to the Cathy family and also tries to live up to the legacy his own father left behind. Dickerson oversees 72 part- and full-time employees at his North Charleston store. Many of the employees are teenagers, and Dickerson—following a company tradition—employs students who are involved in their schools and extracurricular activities. Chick-fil-A promotes involvement and works around students’ schedules. Dickerson said he would rather have 20 students with less availability than students who aren’t involved in their schools. At the family night celebration, Dan Cathy assured the parents of the many teenage employees their children would be working in a supportive environment. If grades aren’t maintained, students’ work schedules could be cut back. From providing scholarships to closing on Sundays, Chick-fil-A continues to do business its own way, based on principles Truett Cathy instilled in the company more than 50 years ago. In 2002, Truett Cathy published Eat Mor Chikin: Inspire More People, a book that explains â€Å"Doing Business the Chick-fil-A Way. † Truett Cathy opens a chapter on priorities and commitment by recalling when a reporter asked him how he would like to be remembered. Cathy responded, â€Å"I think I’d like to be remembered as one who kept my priorities in the right order. We live in a changing world, but we need to be reminded that the important things have not changed, and the important things will not change if we keep our priorities in proper order. † Holly Fisher is the supplements editor for the Business Journal.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The History Of Capital Punishment Criminology Essay

The History Of Capital Punishment Criminology Essay Throughout the ages capital punishment has been an extremely controversial issue. Some may stress it is needed in order to serve as an example to other criminals, as well as to obtain retribution on behalf of the victims involved (Henderson). It may be suggested that it helps to bring peace and order into societies; however, does one really understand the moral injustice that theyre supporting? Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is defined as the legally authorized killing of a person as punishment for a crime (Mifflin). Though there are some citizens throughout the world that support this punishment, others believe that punishment should not have to come down to such drastic and cruel measures. The authorized killing of a person is morally wrong and using execution as a form of punishment leaves no room for errors (Hennigfeld). Capital punishment does not diminish the murder or crime rate and encourages both the taking of a human beings life, as well as juvenile cr ime (Stewart). In many cases, capital punishment is extremely discriminatory (Szumski). There is a question stuck in ones mind; should capital punishment be reinstated? When taking all factors into consideration, the answer is inevitably no. When people hear that a murderer is being executed for their actions, many will applaud and say good riddance, they got what they deserved! An eye for an eye (Berns). This is ruthless and morally wrong. The death penalty is a cruel and inhumane form of punishment. It is execution, and is very similar to torture; involving the deliberate assault of a prisoner (Henningfeld). In many aspects of life people are taught that it is not right to kill, even if the person is a murderer. Many religions share very strong and opened opinions on this topic; almost all are against the death penalty (Weksesser). The Catholic Church is one of the major religions that oppose the intentional killing of a person, no matter who it may be. The church aims to abolish the death penalty, stating: Abolition sends a message that we can break the cycle of violence that we need not take a life for a life (Overberg). The Catholic Church, along with many other religions, is pro-life. Other religions like Buddhism strongly emphasize on non-violence and compassion for all life. Buddhists believe in abstaining from killing any living creature, no matter what they have done or how bad the crime is (Wang). Religion is not the only area that stresses the wrongfulness of the death penalty-even the Charter of Rights and Freedoms opposes it. The Eighth amendment states Excessive bails shall not be requiredà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted (Duhaime) this shows how the killing of any human being is not to be tolerated. Criminals should be able to change their ways and take responsibility for their actions; but, if they are killed the law is showing that when you make a mistake it defines who you are and that you cannot be forgiven (Williams). Capital punishment leads citizens to be so focused on serving justice to criminals for what they deserve that they forget to realize how appalling and immoral it is to take a humans life. When a person is convicted of a crime, they are punished on the basis that there is no doubt that this is the person who committed the unlawful act. The accused can only be convicted if the court is one hundred percent certain that this person has committed the crime they are accused of, or so it should be that way (Baird). The problem that arises when the death penalty is legal is that there is utterly no room for errors. If the jury happened to make the wrong decision in the verdict and sentenced an innocent person to death, how is that any better than a cold blooded murder? There have been many cases where the person has been wrongfully convicted to death and evidence arises later proving the state of that persons innocence (Dee). In the case of Carlos DeLuna, an innocent man was executed merely because of circumstantial evidence and what one witness thought they saw. In 1983 he was convicted for fatally stabbing and killing a woman in a parking lot and without much direct evidenc e he was put to death in 1989 (Dee). Later, reporters discovered that DeLuna was in fact innocent and a man named Carlos Hernandez was the real criminal. This was the fourth documented investigation of the execution of an innocent man in Texas (Dee). This notion is also evident in the case of Steven Truscott; a 14 year old boy was sentenced to death after a very short and circumstantial case. Police dismissed all evidence that made Steven Truscott innocent and focused all their power on how to make him look guilty. The death penalty was abolished and Steven was not executed, but he spent more than half of his life in jail, only to have his case reopened and show that he was completely innocent (Hendley). If the death penalty hadnt been abolished in time a poor innocent boy would have been murdered for the errors of the courts judgement. Capital punishment has way too many errors to be an effective way of insuring that the victims get vengeance on their criminals. Illinois has halted executions after finding that 52 percent of their death row inmates were innocent (Spagnoli). This is more than half of the inmates that are sentenced to death! All these factors show the extreme errors that the courts have made pertaining to capital punishment cases, causing innocent people to be brutally murdered for crimes they did not commit. A countless number of people believe that capital punishment is an efficient way to frighten criminals and lower crime rates throughout the world. One might think that it was that simple, but in reality that is not how it works. Statistics prove that having capital punishment does not deter crime at all; in actuality studies have shown that it seems to increase crime rate (Espejo). Studies in the United States of America show that states which support the death penalty have a higher crime rate than in states without it. In 2008 the crime rate in states with the death penalty was 5.72 (per 100,000 people) and states without the death penalty was 4.05(per 100,000 people); a 41 percent difference (Dieter). In 2009 a study was conducted and showed that states with the death penalty had a crime rate of 5.26 (per 100,000 people), whereas the states without the death penalty had a crime rate of 3.90 (per 100,000 people); a 35 percent difference (Dieter). Could this be a two year fluke? Not likely, since statistics show that in 2010 the crime rates for states with the death penalty was 5.00 and without the death penalty were 4.01; a 25 percent difference (Dieter). The crime rate in states without capital punishment is significantly lower than those states that have capital punishment. In Canada capital punishment is illegal, whereas in the United States of America some states still, to this day, allow it (Henderson). Studies show that the United States of Americas crime rate was four times higher than Canadas, causing them to rank first in crime rates throughout the world (Spagnoli). These statistics show that regardless of the death penalty, criminals are not learning their lesson with such violent tortures. Therefore, the death penalty is neither a sufficient nor effective deterrent. Laws are put into place to encourage youths not to commit crimes and show citizens that committing a crime is wrong. Capital punishment is therefore counterproductive in promoting the taking of peoples lives and encouraging juvenile violence. Since capital punishment is not preventing crime, there is now the issue that it is encouraging taking a human beings life (Winters). Everyone is taught not to kill, and that taking a persons life is an immoral offence to commit, therefore how can people turn around and say that murdering a prisoner is right? Murder is wrong, no matter the race, gender, background, or character of the offender. Committing the act of murder is still wrong and capital punishment promotes, even encourages, that taking someones life is fine on certain grounds (Williams). Capital punishment promotes vengeance, even if the family of the victims, or anyone who is heavily connected to the case, is not directly killing the accused. The law is showing that people can obta in vengeance legally by watching a person being executed (Hennigfeld). Many argue that there is a deterrent effect and so it does not encourage crime but stops it: this is inevitably false. Even if there is a deterrent effect, it is overshadowed by the destructive effects of brutalization (Winters); No matter if there is the slimmest percent that crime is being prevented, it is being made up for, by brutally killing a human being for a mistake that they have made (Williams). People tend to hide behind the deterrence theory and use it as an excuse to the real reasons behind why they want a person to be put to death. Not justice and retribution, but rage and revenge (Baird). Not only does capital punishment encourage taking a persons life, but it promotes juvenile violence. Younger siblings look up to their older siblings, parents, the media, or even stories told around them and to live by the example that is set for them (Wekesser). By allowing capital punishment to be legal, the law is setting an example to youths that killing and any act of violence is acceptable in this day and age. A study done compared the United States of Americas juvenile crime rates to Canadas; the United States being a country that allows the death penalty in some states and Canada being a country that does not allow it at all (Spagnoli). In the United States the juvenile crime rate was 2.0 (per 100,000 people) in 2008, and in Canada the crime rate was only 1.0 (per 100,000 people) (Spagnoli). Comparing states with the death penalty and states without it, studies show that in 2008 states without the death penalty, had only minimal youth crimes while states with the death penalty, had a higher number of youth crimes (Spagnoli). For example, in Minnesota there were only 208 youth crimes, whereas Illinois has 1066 youth crimes (Spagnoli). Though some citizens believe that capital punishment deters crime and shows youths what not to do, in actuality it encourages the taking of a persons li fe and causes youths to follow the example given to them by the country they live in. The law states that every single human being- no matter what race, gender, or economic status- is entitled to a fair trial. All courts have to abide by this rule, but many tend to forget this important point (Allen). Discrimination is an issue that arises when discussing capital punishment. The death penalty is economically discriminatory, since in order to have a fair trail there has to be some form of equality among the plaintiff and the defendant (Allen). The upper class has a huge advantage because most courts see the upper class citizens as the better, more honorable people in society, due to their income. The lower class may not have the money to afford a lawyer and may be given a lawyer (called a pro bono lawyer) from the court. In most of cases these lawyers are not as experienced or as dedicated to the case as the prosecutors are (Szumski). The economic bias that is created can cause unfair judgement and wrongful conviction that can potentially end the life of an innocent pe rson. The death penalty does not only discriminate against a persons economic status; but it also does not work in favour of a persons race. In the United States of America there is a serve problem when it comes to capital punishment and racial discrimination (Demuth). African American citizens make up only 12 or 13% of the population, but they represent 34% of executions (Spagnoli). Is there a stigma towards the African American citizens? The evidence shows that yes, there is. The death penalty does not only look at the race of the accused but also the race of the victims. When a Caucasian person is murdered the probability of a person getting the death penalty is a lot greater (Spagnoli). A study was done in 2009 that showed 77% of executions were done on criminals that were accused of having a Caucasian victim (Spagnoli). When a person commits a crime it should not matter what race they are, or what race their victims are; they should be treated fairly and justly in a court of la w. Therefore, capital punishment fails to demonstrate the equality that is needed to protect peoples lives. Capital punishment has a number of discriminatory flaws including discrimination against the gender of the accused. It has been proven in a study, done by Elizabeth Rapaport, that many women who are convicted of murder do not get sentenced to be executed (Rapaport). One percent of men convicted of murder are sentenced to death, while only one tenth of one percent of women convicted of murders are sentenced to death (Rapaport). Her research clearly shows the endless discrimination that the courts have towards the male gender and that the death penalty is strongly biased. A study shows that there has only been one woman out of 143 people who were executed since 1977 in the United States of America (Dicks). Even though the legal system says that everyone is entitled to a fair, just trial, capital punishment brings out discrimination in many forms and tragically sentences innocent people to execution. In conclusion, the debate about capital punishment has been going on for years. It is a very controversial and talked about issue, but in truth, the death penalty is wrong and should not be reinstated. Capital punishment is morally wrong; it goes against almost every religion and their teachings. It also denies people very important freedoms that they have a right to. One of the most pressing issues with capital punishment is that there is no room for error; many innocent people have had their lives taken away because of flaws within the legal system. It does not diminish the crime rate, and in most cases the states that still allow capital punishment have a higher crime rate than those without it. Capital punishment does not only promote taking someones life but it encourages youths to commit violent acts. It shows how hypocritical citizens can be by telling people that the act of killing is morally wrong yet then doing the same act to a human who has committed a crime. Not to menti on, juvenile crime rates are a lot higher in states with the death penalty than states without it. The death penalty also discriminates based on gender, race, and economical class; allowing certain races, genders and classes to have more privileges than others. Many people may feel that capital punishment is the right thing to do and that it helps keep order in our world. However, in reality capital punishment makes murderers of us all.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Health, Safety and Nutrition Essay -- Health Nutrition Pyramid Diet

The reason I chose to do my project on a game that can hit all three areas safety, health, and nutrition, is because all three areas are important to children and their families. As a parent I can easily justify the role a teacher has on the lives of our children. It is usually a parent does not know anything and the teacher is always right. In the eye’s of a child.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many times well most of the time what you teach a child it usually stays with them, and if it is presented in a fun way it is almost certain that to stay with them longer. More important children like to share their new information with their families, some of the information may be new. So not only are you teaching their children you are also teaching them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before I introducing this game I would send out information to each child’s family so they will be familiar with some of the questions. Of coarse it is important not to send to much information so it will not become overwhelming. It is also important to get the families input, any way to get parents involved is important.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Why safety? Safety is important no matter where your child may be. Any information that a child learns in safety can easily be reinforced. From talking to strangers to playing with fire. This is important everywhere, not only in school but at home or in public places. Many times parents as well as teachers tend to overlook simple things like how unsafe playing with sharp objects, can be, such as pencils. Also taking simple precautions, as covering outlets, or not leaving cords hanging from drapes. This is why safety is important and why it can be life saving to many families.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not long ago, many safety issues were not addressed the way they are now. Why has it changed so much in the past several years? I stop and look back at my life as an infant and a child many things have changed drastically. When I was a infant car seats were not required, to think the safety of my life was at risk, I can recall a time being involved in a accident and I was lucky I did not fly out of the windshield, being that I use to like to stand up o... ...e a good choice or a family member makes a good choice. Sometimes it takes something like a game with fact to have families more aware of the choices that they make the good and the bad. We are only human and we can easily fall off track, I know that I am thankful when my children put me back on the correct track. It is also a good feeling to know that they are aware of their choices and that sometimes we don’t always make the correct ones. It also reassures our children that we as parents, grandparents, and teachers, also make mistakes and sometimes bad choices.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Still I feel that the most important thing is to model for children, take the time to talk to them and of coarse to listen to them. We all like to be heard at some point in our lives even when were small. Work Cited http://www.llu.edu/lluch/safekids/safek4.html 5/2/05 http://www.cdu.gov/nccdphp/hnpa/5aday/faq/important_3.htm 5/2/05 http://www.nut.safe._heatlh/faq/safe4ki.html 5/2/05 http://ific.org/publications/bro/tentipkids.cfm 5/7/05 http://safeforchildren.families/ 23.htm Http://www.llu.edu’‘lluch/safekids/safek8.html 5/7/05 Robert Gonzales 5/9/05 Dorthoy Aguilar 5/9/05

Friday, October 11, 2019

venonous snakes :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It all started about five years ago when my brother had gotten me a job at the zoo. My whole life I had never really been interested in snakes, I had always thought that they were useless and served no interest to me what so ever. My entire life I had always had a love for animals and wanted to go to vet nary school so I could always be around animals, so Harold had given me a chance to become a zoo keeper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I worked at the Scotch Plains Zoo for three and a half years before it was closed down do to lack of money. While I had worked there I had become to love snakes and thought that were amazing creatures. This love grew to where I started taking in snakes that people didn’t want as pets anymore so I would care for them. I started out with two constrictors one blood python and one red tailed boa. I still have both of these snake today the python is 7ft and ninety pounds and the boa is 5 feet and about fifty pounds. At first my parents were going to have a heart attack but they accept it now.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While I was working at the zoo I applied to take the test for caring for exotic and endangered animals. It had taken forever to get my permits and even with them it is still hard to purchase a lot of animals. When I moved out of my house and got my own place I wanted to start a breeding program for venomous snakes for other zoos in the country. I don’t sell my snakes to them I just donate them so other people can see and learn from them that they are not Satan’s creatures and are quite docile.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first snake that I had purchased was a horned pit viper (which had taken me about 5 months to get. I had to hand build all my enclosures due to the fact that each snake needs different humidity, light and enclosure space. As time gone by I had gotten two more breeding pairs one russels viper and one death adder. The two vipers have a high potency of venom but nothing like the death adder, plus the death adder has one nasty attitude problem. The death adder is the third most venous snake in the world and if it did bite me I would only have 10 minutes to inject myself wit the anti-venom or I would be dead, and even with the anti serum I would still be hospitalized for some time.

Marketing Debate

Is Consumer Behavior More a Function of a Person’s Age or Generation? MKT 6661 Strategic Marketing Management Troy University Introduction A heavily debated issue between marketers is what drives consumer behavior? There are two noted positions in this debate, one that believes that age differences are the deciding factors of a consumer’s wants and needs and others make the case that cohort and generation effects are better suited to uncover the consumer’s desires. Marketers have a major responsibility to identify and reach out to the marketplace and find out what influences an individual’s purchasing decisions.Rather these decisions can be sorted based on a group of individuals shared experiences or by simply bunching these individuals into their respective generations but a system has to be in place to provide insight to what is the best way to channel into the consumer’s buying methods. So what’s all the Fuss About? The question that we ar e trying to answer is, is consumer behavior more a function of a person’s age or generation? There has been inclusive research on the driving forces of what drives consumer choice.A pattern has been discovered that people who make similar purchases may also share other specific social-economical similarities. This gives way that there is some background to be learned about these purchasing groups. Cohorts, or Aged-Based Marketing, tend to share a significant number of experiences, goals, and values. (Bidwell 2009) The main principle behind a cohort is that individuals make purchasing decisions based on events that they experienced through their lives, such as their childhood, adolescents, early adulthood and so forth.These events, called defining moments, influence attitudes, preferences, values, and buying behaviors, and these attitudes, values, and buying-behavior motivations for each cohort remain virtually the same throughout their lives. (Bidwell 2009) In contrast to coh orts, on the other side of the debate, the method of evaluating consumer behavior by placing consumers in a group of individuals born and living about the same time. This is the practice of multi-generation marketing. Each generation has unique expectations, experiences, lifestyles, values, and demographics that influence their buying behaviors.Multi-Generational marketing has a broader platform in which individual consumers are placed. Some specifics of these two marketing segments can draw some contrast between the two. To use the cohort model most effective there must be a combination of people’s ages and information about their particular life stages. Some examples of different life stages are empty nesters, retirees, young families, and your careerist. (Bidwell 2009) Most consumers’ life stages are fairly predictable so it provides for their purchasing habits to be predictable.There can be contrast amongst different cohorts as well, depending on the unique events that an individual shared with others in the same cohort. According to Charles D. Schewe, a professor of marketing at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and consultant to numerous companies, there are seven American cohorts. The first cohort being the Great Depression cohort, born between the years of 1912 and 1921 and represent approximately seven percent of the U. S. population, secondly is the World War II cohort born between the years of 1922-1927 and represent about five percent of the U.S. population, the third cohort is known as the post WWII cohort, this group was born between the years of 1928-1945 and represent about twenty three percent of the U. S. population, next are the Baby Boomers I and Baby Boomers II cohorts, they represent together about forty three percent of the U. S. population and were born between the years of 1946 to 1964, the sixth cohort are the Generation X’ers who were born between the years of 1966 and 1976 and make up approximately twen ty two percent of the U. S. opulation, and lastly there are the N-Gens, born from 1977-1987, and make up twelve percent of the U. S. adult population. ( Bidwell 2009) Though these cohorts span over a number of years they are all linked by a series of events that follow a chronological order. Even though a cohort places consumers in segments based on lifestyles but the time in which these events occurred can have drastic effect on their purchasing choices. Looking at the metrics of generational marketing on surface can resemble age-based marketing very closely.This is not an intentional consequence to be vague in practice or by definition but help narrow the message down that the marketer is trying to relay. Take a look this table that depicts the six U. S. Generations. Generation| Date of Birth| Number| Age (in 2010)| Pre-Depression| Before 1930| 12 MM| 81 and above| Depression| 1930-1945| 28 MM| 65-80| Baby Boom| 1946-1964| 80 MM| 46-64| Generation X| 1965-1976| 45 MM| 34-45| Gener ation Y| 1977-1994| 71 MM| 16-33| Generation Z| After 1994| 29 MM| Less than 16| (Marketing to the Generations 2010)Looking at the table, generation analysis and Cohort effects follow a very similar chronological order and demographics but generation analysis is a much broader form of marketing intelligence. At best we have put a group of consumers at the same place at the same time using this method. By knowing the generation the consumer was born it does help the marketer pin point the most effective way to communicate with the consumer taking a macro overlook of the consumer. Based on what generation a consumer was born in gives insight of how techno savvy or financially conservative, education level the consumer received.Conclusion As I really think about the original question and look for the answer it seems to me that these two methods work in tandem with each other. The bigger picture is understanding the holistic approach to getting your message across the consumer. Cohort i s a much more defined process, in that it outlays the needs of the consumer at different times in their lives but knowing the generation that the consumer helps to point the marketer in the right direction when extrapolating data from individual.Undoubtedly to me both are instrumental in a effective and efficient marketing information system References Bidwell. 25 March 2009 Cohorts: Age-Based Marketing. http://www. bidwellid. com/resources/white_papers/Bidwell_ID_Cohorts. pdf Williams, K; Page,R 2010 Marketing to the Generations http://www. aabri. com/manuscripts/10575. pdf Kotler, P. , & Keller, K. (2012). In K. Keller, & P. Kotler 14th ed, Marketing Management