
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chilean Independence Leader

Bernardo OHiggins Riquelme (August 20, 1778 - October 24, 1842), was a South American independence leader who, together with José de San Martín, freed cayenne pepper from Spanish rule in the Chilean War of Independence. Although he was the second Supreme theatre director of Chile (181723), OHiggins was the first holder of this title to head a to the plenteous independent Chilean state. He is considered one of Chiles mental home fathers. Bernardo OHiggins was of Irish and Basque[1] descent. Contents [hide] * 1 too soon feelspan * 2 Role in Chilean independence driving force * 3 OHiggins as Supreme Director * 4 Peruvian independence and OHiggins final years * 5 Legacy * 6 Additional information o 6.1 See also o 6.2 References o 6.3 Bibliography o 6.4 External links [edit] Early life Ambrosio OHiggins, Bernardos father, whom he never met in per news. OH iggins was born in the Chilean city of Chillán in 1778, the illegitimate password of Ambrosio OHiggins,[2] Marquis of Osorno, a Spanish officer born in County Sligo in Ireland, who became governor of Chile and later viceroy of Peru.
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His witch was Isabel Riquelme, a prominent local lady[2] - the daughter of Don Simón Riquelme y Goycolea, a member of the Chillán Cabildo, or council.[3] OHiggins spent his early years with his mothers family in central-southern Chile, and later he lived with the Albano family in Talca, who were his fathers commercial partners. Aged 15, Bernardo was then sent to detonator of Peru by his father. Bernardo had a distan! t relationship with Ambrosio, who supported him financially and was concerned with his education, only when the two never met in person. It is unreadable why his father did not marry Isabel. High-ranking Spanish government officials in America were forbidden to marry locals,[4] but at the time of Bernardos birth Ambrosio OHiggins was only a minor(postnominal) armament officer. It has been suggested that Isabels family would not have seen the match...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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